Praying God’s GOODNESS with my Mate
(Using Jesus’ prayer in John 17 as our model)
©Ron Rand UpBuilding Ministries 2003

G  —  lorify Jesus vs. 10 “ . . . and I have been glorified in them.”
Jesus, be glorified in us today . . .
O  —  bey God’s Word vs. 6 “ . . .and they have kept your Word.”
. . . and enable us to keep your Word.
O  —  neness vs. 11c “ . . . so that they may be one, as We are one.”
O Jesus and O Holy Spirit, You are one with the Father, teach us to be one with You and one with each other.
D  —  ivine Protection vs. 15 “ . . . but I ask You to protect them from the evil one.”
Lord Jesus, protect us from the evil one . . .
N  —  ot belong to this world vs. 16 “ . . . They do not belong to the world.”
. . . and empower us to not belong to this world nor the things of it.
E  —  xperience Jesus’ joy vs. 13 “ . . . that they may have My joy made complete in themselves.”
May we experience Your complete joy in our hearts today, even in the midst of any of our trials . . .
S  —  anctify (Set apart) vs. 17 “Sanctify them in the truth; Your Word is truth.”
. . . and sanctify or set us apart in the truth of Your Word.
S  —  end out daily into ministry vs. 18 “As you have sent Me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.”
Jesus, as we go out into the world today, send us out into ministry for You. Amen.”

“They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their ancestors,
with all their heart and with all their soul.” 2 Chronicles 15:12

“The 30 day prayer covenant challenge to experience God’s GOODNESS”

“We agree to enter into a 30-day prayer covenant to daily pray this prayer
of GOODNESS with each other.”
Ending Date

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