UpBuilding Men, Women, and Children in Practical Christianity

June 2005 Monthly Letter

Dear Partner in Feeding Others the Bread of Life,

Psalms 20: 3 states "May the Lord fulfil all your petitions." My eyes literally observed the fulfillment of this positive statement during a session with women at an UpBuilding Weekend.

Also, my ears literally also heard the fulfillment of Exodus 17:14: "And the Lord said to Moses, "Write this as a memorial in a book and recite it in the ear of Joshua."

The session's theme is eight Biblical principles of defining a woman according to God's Word. The acrostic DAUGHTER summarizes each principle. I begin by holding up a plastic fork and saying, "I have the privilege of being here today as a fork. Its sole purpose is to get food into our bodies."

Holding up the Bible with the fork, I continue, "Like a fork, I am going to lift up several pieces of God's manna and seek to get each piece into your spirit. This will happen as you act upon every piece of manna. . We are going to have a real feast today. So get ready to feed on God's Word. It will satisfy any hunger!"

All UpBuilding Ministries sessions include immediate application of each passage that is taught. Because the Bible says "The Word of God is living and active" (Hebrews 4:12), concrete things begin to happen as It gets into the participants through personal application.

At the end of this particular session, Terri introduced herself to me. She said, "Listen as I read to you what I wrote in my journal this very morning at 8:45am:

'Father, I come to you as a prodigal daughter. I have wandered from Your Word and way. The date of my last journal entry convicts me. I am ashamed. Please forgive me for my lack of love and devotion to You. Please, Father, today when I go to the women's session, feed me Your Word. I am hungry. May I feast on Your Word today.'"

Looking at her with some bewilderment and a little disbelief I asked, "You're telling me that you wrote this before you came today, right?

YES!" She exclaimed "Can you believe this? It's almost identical to what you said in the beginning. It was all I could do to remain silent during the whole session! Praise God that He heard me and answered my prayer specifically! I have had a feast today!"

And we did just that. Together we praised Him for His faithfulness and that both our eyes and ears were blessed!

I asked Terri for permission to copy what she wrote so I could use it as an overhead transparency and for this letter.

You are now seeing and hearing what my eyes and ears have witnessed. God fulfills the desires of our hearts in specific ways! Alleluia! May you experience the same from His hand of providence concerning ALL the desires of your heart, too!

Thank you for your participation in feeding others the Bread of Life! It UpBuilds!

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